Games take place in an outdoor natural arena where two groups of wild [UPDATE] WILD League 1.7.3 + Data -
Game Android" border="0" data-original-height="180" data-original-width="180" height="320" src="" title="[UPDATE] WILD League 1.7.3 + Data -
Game Android" width="320" />
Games take place in an outdoor natural arena where two groups of wild, heavily-armed animals fight for water in 3х3 MOBA battles. Protect yourself from wolf packs attacking your territory, keep enemy claws off the water in the center of the map, and don't let other players collect bottles of water. Players choose from a variety of pre-selected weapon types, including tons of guns, special abilities, auxiliary turrets and support units. A team loses once it has no more water reserves.
Games take place in an outdoor natural arena where two groups of wild [UPDATE] WILD League 1.7.3 + Data -
Game Android" border="0" data-original-height="658" data-original-width="987" height="426" src="" title="[UPDATE] WILD League 1.7.3 + Data -
Game Android" width="640" />
Games take place in an outdoor natural arena where two groups of wild [UPDATE] WILD League 1.7.3 + Data -
Game Android" border="0" data-original-height="658" data-original-width="987" height="426" src="" title="[UPDATE] WILD League 1.7.3 + Data -
Game Android" width="640" />
WILD League 1.7.3
Google Drive
Blog CH Daimon Z
Size : 25 MB
Install Data :
Data WILD League Kalian Extrak dan Copy Ke Penyimpanan Internal => Android => obb
Data WILD League you guys Extrak and Copy to Internal storage => Android => obb
Gunakan ZArchiver Untuk Mengekstrak File
Use ZArchiver to extract files
WILD League
Google Drive
Blog CH Daimon Z
Size : 119 MB
Permainan berlangsung di arena alam terbuka di mana dua kelompok binatang liar dan bersenjata berat berjuang untuk air dalam pertempuran 3х3 MOBA. Lindungi diri Anda dari serigala yang menyerang wilayah Anda, jaga biar cakar musuh tetap berada di tengah-tengah peta, dan jangan biarkan pemain lain mengumpulkan botol air. Pemain menentukan dari aneka macam jenis senjata pilihan, termasuk berton-ton senjata, kemampuan khusus, menara tambahan, dan unit pendukung. Suatu tim kehilangan begitu tidak mempunyai cadangan air lagi.